This script will generate the schema for the ORM files(.hbml and pojo files).
text: This property is to display the text in the output file.
quiet: This is to show the output schema in console.
The following tag is to create database structure in database. Here, there are some hard-coded values. Those needs to be get from property file.
Some short notes on Hibernate tools.
Running the tool
The SchemaExport tool writes a DDL script to standard out and/or executes the DDL statements.
java -cp hibernate_classpaths org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport options mapping_files
SchemaExport Command Line Options
Option Description
You may even embed SchemaExport in your application:
Configuration cfg = ....;
new SchemaExport(cfg).create(false, true);
Database properties may be specified
• as system properties with -D
• in
• in a named properties file with --properties
The needed properties are:
SchemaExport Connection Properties
Property Name Description
hibernate.connection.driver_class jdbc driver class
hibernate.connection.url jdbc url
hibernate.connection.username database user
hibernate.connection.password user password
hibernate.dialect dialect
Using Ant
You can call SchemaExport from your Ant build script:
Incremental schema updates
The SchemaUpdate tool will update an existing schema with "incremental" changes. Note that SchemaUpdate
depends heavily upon the JDBC metadata API, so it will not work with all JDBC drivers.
java -cp hibernate_classpaths org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate options mapping_files
SchemaUpdate Command Line Options
Option Description
--quiet don't output the script to stdout
--text don't export the script to the database
--naming=eg.MyNamingStrategy select a NamingStrategy read database properties from a file
--config=hibernate.cfg.xml specify a .cfg.xml file
You may embed SchemaUpdate in your application:
Configuration cfg = ....;
new SchemaUpdate(cfg).execute(false);
Using Ant for incremental schema updates
You can call SchemaUpdate from the Ant script:
Schema validation
The SchemaValidator tool will validate that the existing database schema "matches" your mapping documents.
Note that SchemaValidator depends heavily upon the JDBC metadata API, so it will not work with all JDBC drivers. This tool is extremely useful for testing.
java -cp hibernate_classpaths org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator options mapping_files
SchemaValidator Command Line Options
Option Description
--naming=eg.MyNamingStrategy select a NamingStrategy read database properties from a file
--config=hibernate.cfg.xml specify a .cfg.xml file
You may embed SchemaValidator in your application:
Configuration cfg = ....;
new SchemaValidator(cfg).validate();
Using Ant for schema validation
You can call SchemaValidator from the Ant script: